Why The Philippines?

English is the official language

The Philippines is the third largest English-speaking country in the world. This makes communication easy for businesses that outsource to the Philippines.

A culture of service

Filipinos have a strong culture of service, which means they are used to providing excellent customer service.

Low cost of living

The cost of living in the Philippines is relatively low, which means businesses can save money by outsourcing to the Philippines.

A large talent pool

The Philippines has a large talent pool, which means businesses can find the right employees for their needs.

Human characteristics

The Philippines is known for its hospitable people. The country is also known for its strong work ethic and can-do attitude.

Service driven culture

The Philippines has a strong culture of service, which means that businesses can expect excellent customer service from employees who are used to providing it.


The Philippines has a modern infrastructure, making it easy for businesses to operate there.

Government support

The Philippine government is supportive of businesses that outsource to the country. The government offers many incentives to companies that outsource to the Philippines.

Hire Your Remote Staff

If you’re a business owner or manager looking for a more efficient and cost-effective way to staff your projects, the TIQTAC Remote Staffing Model may be right for you. Contact us today to learn more about how our unique staffing solution can benefit your business.