Why Remote Staffing

Rapid Growth

Find the right person for the job fast!

With TIQTAC, there’s no need to waste time and money on advertising to interview and vet candidates who are not a good fit for your organisation. We can help you find suitable candidates quickly and efficiently to get on with business.

Get the people you need without the cost of hiring onshore

The talent is out there, and now it’s time to bring them in with TIQTAC. We can help you find the right talent for your organisation quickly and easily, without the hassle or expense of traditional recruitment methods.

Have more time to focus on growing your business

Time is money, and with TIQTAC, you can save both. 

We can help take the time and cost out of recruiting, so you can focus on what you do best – running your business.

No need for big offices. No need for expensive office fit-outs and furniture

With TIQTAC, you can bring talent to you without breaking the bank.

Hire Your Remote Staff

If you’re a business owner or manager looking for a more efficient and cost-effective way to staff your projects, the TIQTAC Remote Staffing Model may be right for you. Contact us today to learn more about how our unique staffing solution can benefit your business.