Tiqtac Outsourcing

Modern Slavery Policy

TIQTAC is committed to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in all of its business operations. We recognise that modern slavery and human trafficking are serious global issues that require our attention and action.

Our policy on modern slavery and human trafficking are based on the following principles:

  1. We will not tolerate any form of modern slavery or human trafficking in our business operations.

  1. We will work to identify and mitigate any risks of modern slavery or human trafficking in our business operations.

  1. We will train our employees on identifying and reporting instances of modern slavery or human trafficking.

  1. We will work with other business partners to promote best practises in preventing modern slavery and human trafficking.

  1. We will raise awareness of modern slavery and human trafficking among our clients, employees, and other stakeholders.

  1. We will cooperate with law enforcement agencies to investigate and prosecute modern slavery and human trafficking cases.

This policy applies to all of TIQTAC’s business operations, including its supply chain. Accordingly, we expect our employees, clients, and other business partners to comply with this policy.