Why Remote Staffing

Increase Quality and Effectiveness

Quality and effectiveness are the lifeblood of any business. When it comes to staffing, outstaffing can help you improve both. By taking advantage of our vast pool of qualified candidates, we can help you find the best person for the job – no matter what it is. We’ll handle all the HR hassle for you to focus on your business goals.

TIQTAC Remote Staffing Model

The TIQTAC Remote Staffing Model is a unique and innovative approach to staffing that utilises technology to connect businesses with qualified remote professionals from around the globe. The model is based on the premise that companies can save time and money by hiring remote professionals who are experts in their field rather than recruiting and training employees locally.

How It Works

Tiqtac is a BPO that provides comprehensive staffing solutions to businesses worldwide. We manage payroll, HR, office expenses, and more for our clients while we employ the staff. The host company pays a monthly fee per staff member plus the hourly rate. This allows businesses to focus on their core operations while we take care of the rest.

The TIQTAC Remote Staffing Model offers several benefits for businesses, including:

Cost savings

Businesses can save money by hiring remote professionals who are experts in their field rather than recruiting and training employees locally.

Increased efficiency

Businesses can get projects done faster and more efficiently by leveraging the expertise of remote professionals.

Greater flexibility

Businesses can hire remote professionals on a project-by-project basis, which gives them greater flexibility to scale up or down their workforce as needed.

Reduced risk

Businesses can reduce the risk of hiring mistakes by interviewing and vetting candidates through the TIQTAC platform.

Hire Your Remote Staff

If you’re a business owner or manager looking for a more efficient and cost-effective way to staff your projects, the TIQTAC Remote Staffing Model may be right for you. Contact us today to learn more about how our unique staffing solution can benefit your business.